mustbethursday3 wrote in
Oct 17, 2012 05:04
(r): pg,
(r): g,
(fw): manip,
(fw): picspam,
(g): fluff,
(misc): beta request,
(c): aaron pittman,
(c): julia neville,
(c): major tom neville,
(c): sebastian "bass" monroe,
(p): miles/monroe,
(l): one shot,
(g): humour,
(g): future!fic,
(fw): fanart,
(fw): fanfic,
(misc): promo pics,
(r): r-rated,
(c): ben matheson,
(p): ben/maggie,
(misc): page-a-mod,
(fw): wallpaper,
(g): smut,
(c): captain jeremy baker,
(p): aaron/maggie,
(p): charlie/monroe,
(fw): mood theme,
(misc): revelation of the week,
(misc): prompt table fill,
(g): crossover,
(p): charlie/oc,
(c): danny matheson,
(c): grace beaumont,
(l): drabble,
(fw): banners,
(g): pre-series,
(p): tom/julia,
(misc): spoilers,
(p): miles/rachel,
(c): jacob (bounty hunter),
(fw): fanmix,
(fw): header,
(l): multi-chapter,
(misc): review,
(misc): interview,
(misc): screencaps,
(misc): mod post,
(c): jason 'nate' neville,
(ep): 1.19 children of men,
(misc): news,
(g): crack,
(g): hurt/comfort,
(p): maggie/nora,
(p): charlie/maggie,
(c): rachel matheson,
(misc): media,
(fw): animations (gifs),
(ep): 1.20 the dark tower,
(p): maggie/miles,
(g): au,
(c): randall flynn,
(l): ficlet,
(ep): 1.18 clue,
(fw): vid,
(p): charlie/nora,
(p): ben/rachel,
(g): angst,
(c): miles matheson,
(c): charlie matheson,
(r): pg-15,
(misc): intro post,
(c): nora clayton,
(p): miles/'nate',
(p): rachel/monroe,
(c): maggie foster,
(p): charlie/'nate',
(r): nc-17,
(p): charlie/miles,
(p): miles/nora,
(fw): icons